Losers: Short Stories

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Introducing “Losers: Short Stories” - the ultimate underdog collection that’ll make you laugh, cry, and root for the little guy (even if he never quite makes it). These tales take a break from the typical hero-centric narrative and instead dive into the lives of those who just can’t seem to catch a break. Get ready to meet some seriously quirky characters!

From a struggling door-to-door salesman to a medieval chronicler, these stories prove that not all heroes wear capes (some wear really outdated shoes). And forget about the usual sci-fi cliches - our exiled alien got kicked off his planet for losing a football game. Talk about tough love!

But don’t be fooled - these stories may be hilarious and absurd, but they tackle some pretty real issues too. Depression, post-communism realities, and accidental boss murder are just a few of the challenges our losers face. The stakes are high, the conflicts are relatable, and the results are both unexpected and unforgettable. So why not take a break from your hero worship and give “Losers: Short Stories” a chance? Trust us, you won’t regret it.
Written by award-winning writer.

Praise for this book

Losersis an absolutely hilarious collection of comedic and satirical short
stories by K.E. Adamus, a newcomer to our contests! What a phenomenal debut!

In this book, Adamus showcases excellent writing and a variety of comedic
techniques, including self-aware and self-deprecating humor, dark humor,
sarcasm, erroneous statements, flawed rationalization, and turning tragic
or serious moments into "eh... so what?" situations. These are not skills
just any writer can master—it takes talent and intellect to pull off. Kudos
to Adamus for doing so!

We haven't read or reviewed a funnier collection of short stories since
(...) two years ago.